Zoggs Swim Diaries

  1. Zoggs Swim Diaries: From Beginner to Honeymoon Swimmer!
    Zoggs Swim Diaries: From Beginner to Honeymoon Swimmer!

    Zoggs Swim Diaries: From Beginner to Honeymoon Swimmer!

    Learning to Swim can be achieved whatever your age. Lillian, our International Graphic Designer, has chosen to take on this challenge. After getting engaged last year she thought it was about time she learned to swim. We are going to be there every step of the way as she goes from Beginner to Honeymoon Swimmer…

    Lillian with her fiancee wearing Sombrero's ready for their honeymoon in Mexico

    ‘Do you swim?’ was the most awkward interview question I had ever been asked. Sure

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  2. Zoggs Swim Diaries: Becoming a Triathlete
    Zoggs Swim Diaries: Becoming a Triathlete

    Zoggs Swim Diaries: Becoming a Triathlete

    Open water swimmer wearing Endura goggles

    This year I have had the pleasure to be involved with TEAM TFN: TFN Triathlon club’s development team. After my initial assessments my coach Emil Bobok provided me the challenge of converting myself from a middle aged chap who dabbles in the three sports and occasionally signs up for a Tri event, into a proper amateur Triathlete… a challenge indeed I hear you say!

    After a stressful house move in the first quarter of the year and a significant lifestyle shift domestically, I have now settled down into a progressive routine of correct and ordered training which has see

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  3. Zoggs Swim Diaries: Beginners Butterfly
    Zoggs Swim Diaries: Beginners Butterfly

    Zoggs Swim Diaries: Beginners Butterfly

    Butterfly Zoggs Swim DiaryWe had an exhausting but exhilarating swimming class this week learning butterfly. It’s not a stroke we touch upon too frequently, and ordinarily it’s just a small element of a class, but this week, it was all about the fly. At the beginning of the class I was a little bit nervous, but excited too. It’s one of those strokes that is scary but fun at the same time. When done correctly it looks amazing, almost like the swimmer is flying through the water, probably where it got its name!

    The class was very tiring, butterfly is an aerobic stroke and also not one that we were used to swimming, so it did feel like a harder class than usual. We di

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  4. Zoggs Swim Diaries: Learning Survival Skills
    Zoggs Swim Diaries: Learning Survival Skills

    Zoggs Swim Diaries: Learning Survival Skills

    This week is Drowning Prevention Week 2015; at swimming pools across the country, lessons this week are focusing on survival skills. So, I rocked up at my swimming lesson yesterday in some fairly thick joggers (I was feeling pretty brave) and a t-shirt over my swimming costume.

    We leapt straight into learning how to enter the water without getting your head wet or sinking too deep – ideal if you have to enter water for any reason but can’t see what’s lurking below the surface – think shopping trolleys, sharp m

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  5. Zoggs Swim Diaries: From my local pool to open water 10k
    Zoggs Swim Diaries: From my local pool to open water 10k

    Zoggs Swim Diaries: From my local pool to open water 10k

    Zoggs International Marketing Manager Ben Hornett shares his journey from swimming once or twice a week in his local pool to taking part in the Jubilee 10k!


    Swimming isn’t everything to me, but when I do swim it makes me feel great. Swimming before work sets me up for the day like no other sport can. For sure, I don’t have the best technique in the lane, and I certainly don

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