Beginners / Learning to Swim

  1. Zoggs Tips: Children's safety in and around the pool this summer!
    Zoggs Tips: Children's safety in and around the pool this summer!

    Zoggs Tips: Children's safety in and around the pool this summer!

    Around the world, hundreds of children drown every year in and around water. Addressing water safety with your child is vital whether your child can swim or not. It’s vital that parents and guardians are aware of Children’s Safety in and around the Pool this Summer. The Zoggs team share their top tips for staying safe this summer...

    Zoggs swim safety

    Water safety ultimately is the responsibility of the par

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  2. Baby Swimming Tips from Zoggs
    Baby Swimming Tips from Zoggs

    Baby Swimming Tips from Zoggs

    The greatest tip we can give is when you go to the pool with your baby, don’t make it about trying to ‘teach’ your baby to swim. We know that sounds strange as the topic is referred to as Baby Swimming, but the foundation of baby swimming has to be first and foremost about HAVING FUN and, if done correctly, that fun experience of water will remain with them for life. Here are some top tips from our Learn to Swim teacher.

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  3. Zoggs Swim Tips: How to introduce your child to the pool
    Zoggs Swim Tips: How to introduce your child to the pool

    Zoggs Swim Tips: How to introduce your child to the pool

    Around the world there are many theories and views on how and when you introduce your child to the pool. Many parents don’t feel confident taking their child swimming in the early stages, especially if it’s their first child so it’s normal to find out as much as you can. Introducing your child to water is like them taking their first steps or speaking their first word, it is a natural evolution of life.

    Swimming is similar to walking, you would not put a child in an environment that was unsafe or one they would not be able to cope with. Their first steps normally take place in their own home, followed by a controlled environment in yo

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  4. Modern Baby Swimwear From Zoggs
    Modern Baby Swimwear From Zoggs

    Modern Baby Swimwear From Zoggs

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