Zoggs News

  1. Top 10 FAQs about Swimming
    Top 10 FAQs about Swimming

    Top 10 FAQs about Swimming

    We ask our Learn to Swim Ambassador the top 10 most frequently asked questions about swimming.

    1. What is the best time of day to swim?

    Personally, I prefer to swim in the morning before I work or start the things I need to do for the day. But, if you prefer, during your lunch break is also a good time. Ultimately, you want to be relaxed in the pool, not stressed and not thinking about the day.

    2. Why are water exercises good for you?

    Water exercises can help support the body to develop strength, fitness and stamina whilst also burning calories. As water is a relatively weightless

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  2. Top 10 Reasons to LOVE swimming!
    Top 10 Reasons to LOVE swimming!

    Top 10 Reasons to LOVE swimming!

    This blog is a shout out for all of you that LOVE swimming and also a reminder for those who wonder what all the fuss is about.

    Personally I could go on forever about the benefits of swimming but let’s keep things short and sweet and see if any of these tickle your fancy.


    1) Enjoyment World Wide – You can swim and enjoy different water environments anywhere in

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  3. How to perfect your freestyle stroke
    How to perfect your freestyle stroke

    How to perfect your freestyle stroke

    Freestyle is also known as Front Crawl and is typically referred to as the fastest and most efficient stroke of them all.

    Without making things too technical, an efficient freestyle stroke will enable you to burn up to 600 calories per hour whilst giving your body a great workout.

    How to perfect your freestyle stroke

    When perfecting your

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  4. 5 Tips to Help Improve Your Swimming Technique
    5 Tips to Help Improve Your Swimming Technique

    5 Tips to Help Improve Your Swimming Technique

    Here are 5 simple tips to enable you to swim for a longer period and enjoy your time in the water.

    swimming technique

    1) Face in the water – There are a lot of swimmers who don’t actually like to get their head or face wet. They would rather get in and out and not have the hassle of wet hair and water in their eyes. Whilst this may be an enjoyable short term solution, long term it wil

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  5. A Guide to Beginner Swimmers
    A Guide to Beginner Swimmers

    A Guide to Beginner Swimmers

    The concept of beginning swimming whether you’re a child or an adult can be a daunting experience. As a child you often have the reassurance of your parents to encourage and support you, to enable it to be one that is remembered as a positive and enjoyable experience. For an adult or even a young teenager, the thought of starting swimming as a beginner is a lot harder than most people realize. The biggest challenge is not actually that you technically don’t know the strokes, as most have a general idea from what they have seen from others, but more the perception of how you think you might look and what you think might happen that is most off

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  6. Zoggs Tips: Children's safety in and around the pool this summer!
    Zoggs Tips: Children's safety in and around the pool this summer!

    Zoggs Tips: Children's safety in and around the pool this summer!

    Around the world, hundreds of children drown every year in and around water. Addressing water safety with your child is vital whether your child can swim or not. It’s vital that parents and guardians are aware of Children’s Safety in and around the Pool this Summer. The Zoggs team share their top tips for staying safe this summer...

    Zoggs swim safety

    Water safety ultimately is the responsibility of the par

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  7. Baby Swimming Tips from Zoggs
    Baby Swimming Tips from Zoggs

    Baby Swimming Tips from Zoggs

    The greatest tip we can give is when you go to the pool with your baby, don’t make it about trying to ‘teach’ your baby to swim. We know that sounds strange as the topic is referred to as Baby Swimming, but the foundation of baby swimming has to be first and foremost about HAVING FUN and, if done correctly, that fun experience of water will remain with them for life. Here are some top tips from our Learn to Swim teacher.

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  8. Zoggs Swim Tips: How to introduce your child to the pool
    Zoggs Swim Tips: How to introduce your child to the pool

    Zoggs Swim Tips: How to introduce your child to the pool

    Around the world there are many theories and views on how and when you introduce your child to the pool. Many parents don’t feel confident taking their child swimming in the early stages, especially if it’s their first child so it’s normal to find out as much as you can. Introducing your child to water is like them taking their first steps or speaking their first word, it is a natural evolution of life.

    Swimming is similar to walking, you would not put a child in an environment that was unsafe or one they would not be able to cope with. Their first steps normally take place in their own home, followed by a controlled environment in yo

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  9. Open Water Swimming - Facebook Tips
    Open Water Swimming - Facebook Tips

    Open Water Swimming - Facebook Tips

    Top Tips if You're Thinking of Trying Open Water Swimming

    Here at Zoggs we want all open water swimmers, whether swimming for fitness or recreation, to enjoy the freedom, fun and exhilaration of open water with unconditional trust in their Zoggs goggles, equipment and swimwear.

    Here's some top tips from our Facebook followers

    1. Never swim alone a) for safety and b) it’s great to share the experience with someone else. Find a friend to train and do events with.
    2. Ensure you can cover the distance in the pool before attempting it outside.
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